Why Your Body Needs More Than Energy Work

There are times in life when we feel that something new is waiting for us. Do you feel that way at the moment? For about four years I have been on a journey whose fundamental direction resonates with the frequency of embodiment. In the process, I realised that many of us who consciously shape our soul journey as human beings often forget about our bodies and their needs. Yet this is exactly why we incarnated: to have a human, a physical experience. Your soul has chosen precisely this body in order to work through it. To feel through it and to experience the fullness and beauty of life on and with the earth. In the midst of all the mental, spiritual and energetic work, we sometimes tend to see our material soul home simply as something that has to function. As something that we have to tweak so that it meets our expectations or those of others. But that’s not how it works! Because our body is inextricably linked to our expression and being, it is just as essential as the spiritual.

Your body as a gateway to earthly experience

When we evolve, this not only happens on a spiritual level, but also very specifically in our physical being. Our body also continues to develop, changes and needs our support from time to time – or even a little more often. And this is exactly where a revolutionary frequency technology comes in. It was developed to provide us with optimal support during this time of change – when the pressure on our body and mind is enormous. Even though energy work is a powerful tool that I would not want to do without, sometimes it is still not enough to support the physical demands of our bodies in particular. We live in a time in which we are surrounded by so many external influences that our physical body also needs special attention. Frequency technology is a very valuable support here to address our body directly at a molecular level. To regenerate and strengthen it. This enables it to keep pace with the energetic and spiritual processes and unfold in harmony with our soul vision. This is not about replacing energetic healing methods or spiritual practices. On the contrary. It is about complementing them in a meaningful and effective way and enhancing their effect or even enabling their effect in the first place. With this pioneering frequency technology, we can bring body, mind and soul back into harmony even when we sometimes seem to lack the energy to do so.

How frequencies can profoundly support your body

The treatment uses pulsating electromagnetic frequencies in a new, contemporary way to activate the body at a deep, cellular level and harmonise the energy field. It acts like a loving impulse that gently reminds your body to bring itself back into balance. If you give your body these valuable frequencies, it can in turn give you the strength and calm you need to realise your immeasurable potential. Both on a mental, spiritual and physical level. My experience is that with these frequencies you will most likely feel more fit, vital and balanced than you have for a long time. Are you ready to honour your body as much as your soul and enter a new dimension of well-being? Then let the new era begin for you! I look forward to telling you more about these fascinating possibilities soon. I would also be happy to meet you LIVE in Switzerland:

3 October 2024 | 7:30 pm
In the Ilima Oasis of the wonderful Martina Keller in
CH-8852 Altendorf, SZ

You can register here:

See you soon at the Ilima Oasis, I look forward to seeing you! In LOVEinity
Sophia Sabine
❤ P.S.: Join our VIP guest list now and get a 15-minute frequency session worth CHF 40 for free!

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