Activate the power of your inner navigation system and get answers to your most burning questions
As a Human Design Generator or Manifesting Generator, you have a built-in navigation system that can guide you with crystal clarity – if it is turned on.
In this sacred sacral session we will activate your powerful sacral center – the seat of your creation space and your inner GPS.
You will experience what it feels like to have this center working for you and you will receive answers that come directly from your subconscious to the surface of your conscious mind.
For SACRED SACRAL you do not need any previous knowledge of Human Design other than your Human Design type.
SACRED SACRAL is only for Generators and Manifesting Generators or for Alchemists and Time Benders in Quantum Human Design™.
If there is a question or decision that you have been trying to answer with your mind for a long time and still haven’t come to a conclusion, then SACRED SACRAL is for you!
… or if you want to know whether the answer you have already found for yourself is really THE answer. The one that vibrates in aligment with you, your whole being and life path.
… or if you don’t really know what you actually want or could want…
With this sacred sacral session you gain certainty beyond logic and reason.
A certainty and clarity that you only experience when your sacral center is activated and attuned to you.
And you will learn to trust yourself and your inner wisdom more and more.
Activate your inner navigation system now and know what you want!
Don’t know what type of Human Design you are? Create your free body graphic here and find out if you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator.
If you are a Projector, Manifestor or Reflector, a QUANTUM HUMAN DESIGN™ READING will give you new insights and answers to your questions.
Sophia Sabine has something incredible valuable to share with the world. She has got deep insights and those insights come to her by virtue of her connection to source, and when she speaks, it awakens people into new ways of thinking and new possibilities.

Living certainty and clarity with SACRED SACRAL
Use your inner GPS now and receive the answers that are truly FOR YOU – in alignment with your true nature.
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» I have always struggled with anxiety and unexplained sources of stress, especially when performing in public. I decided to meet with Sabine for a tapping session, which I have not regretted. The tapping session with Sabine was fantastic and I felt so different and good afterwards. I had never tapped before in my whole life. During the session Sabine helped me to open up and share my inner self before I should be able to improve something that I knew was challenging for me to resolve, just by following Sabine's guidance and way of tapping. Since that session I have been following Sabine's advice and have found that I am now able to stop this unexplained stress from coming up and stay calm in different situations. I can only recommend Sabine as a coach and counsellor. «

» I am really, really flashed. After yesterday's session, I felt like I had been transported into a new space. Everything that had been valid until then was no longer true, no longer there. I could just breathe and feel! I heard so many new things, allowed so much change.... WOW. «

» The moment Merlin touched my third eye, I KNEW how many dimensions I was travelling in at the same time. My mind is completely overwhelmed. What I felt was infinite. And I thought, this is what the ALL feels like and I realised at the same time that I am the ALL. So much vastness! Thank you for the wonderful connection to Stella that this interstellar journey opened up for me. «

» Despite having a cleansing cold, I'm somehow in the mood to get going and that started right after our phone call. Yesterday a lot of things fell away as if by magic and I assume that this will continue at the same pace. My soul obviously doesn't want to wait any longer. And she's right...«

» A mega flash what you offer and with which love you do it 🙏🏻🤗🥰 Infinite THANK YOU for your beautiful and profound work! «

» Went into the session with knee pain. Heard you speak for 5 minutes - knee pain gone. ... When Sophia flooded you with love, extended the frequency to other levels/layers - it was so powerful! Whoa! Just beautiful ... I absolutely love "innocent self-awareness" ... free from all attachments. Mind shift! «

» When Merlin came to me and you activated my Potential Keys, I felt it very strongly in my whole body. A lot was released. It was also the most powerful moment for me emotionally in the entire session. I received mega input on what I really can offer. «

» I can't remember a channelling or any other spiritual experience, in any form whatsoever, ever touching me SO intensely. «

» For all the perceived miracles that happen, working with Sabine has nothing strange or spleen-like about it. She has her feet firmly on the ground, her head and heart in the clouds - the gift of being able to wander among the stars coupled with charm and humour. Sabine takes your hand. She shows you your star. She guides you to your answers. Sabine doesn't dismiss anything, she doesn't judge. She is a human like you and me.
Everything is natural, nothing is artificial.
Sabine gives. So much.
Love. «

» Dear Sabine, today I watched Portal 10 to the end. In very small bites, because I am weak and sickly, but probably more because the resistance to such drastic transformations is so strong.
This session is a stunner. «

» I didn't expect what is happening here right now. My body reacted so strongly and when Sophia started to receive and sound, it was really, really powerful. So genuine. No fake. I'm thrilled and impressed and very, very excited to see what happens now. «

Sophia Sabine brings to the table her depth of wisdom for understanding of the importance of patterns and habits and self-regulation that can strengthen and deepen the sense of self, sense of purpose, and sense of mission.