General Terms and Conditions (GTC)
Area of effect
The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to the website “CREATOR GODS” by Sabine Thursch as well as to all coaching, training and event contracts between “CREATOR GODS” (hereinafter also referred to as “Contractor”) and its clients (hereinafter also referred to as “Client”) as well as to all services provided by Sabine Thursch or employees of SchöpferGötter – Sabine Thursch and CREATOR GODS. The website serves to inform users about the work and services of Sabine Thursch.
The user of the website concludes a user contract with the provider for the use of the website. These GTC govern the relevant business relationship between the provider and the user.
The business relationship between Sabine Thursch and the client is governed exclusively by these GTC in the version valid at the time the offer is made. Deviating agreements are not part of the contract, unless Sabine Thursch has expressly agreed to them in writing. Terms and conditions of the contractual partner that conflict with these GTC, deviate from these GTC or deviate from the statutory provisions to the detriment of the contractor shall not be recognized unless their validity is expressly agreed to in writing. Further agreements are only binding for Sabine Thursch if they are confirmed by her in writing.
Users of the website undertake to inform themselves about possible changes to the GTC each time they access the website by calling up the GTC.
1. General
Sabine Thursch provides coaching, consulting and events in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions (GTC). These terms and conditions shall be deemed accepted by the client upon commissioning.
The contracts concluded by Sabine Thursch are service contracts, unless expressly agreed otherwise. The subject of the contract is therefore the provision of the agreed services, not the achievement of a specific result. In particular, Sabine Thursch does not owe a specific economic result. Her opinions and recommendations prepare decisions for the client. Each decision of the client is his own responsibility.
Sabine Thursch is entitled to call in assistants, expert third parties and other vicarious agents for the execution of a consulting contract.
Sabine Thursch provides her services on the basis of the data and information made available to it by the client or its agents. The client is responsible for the factual accuracy and completeness of the information.
For reasons of quality assurance and consolidation, audio and video recordings of consultations and events are made after prior agreement and with the client’s consent. Sabine Thursch assures that these recordings will not be passed on to third parties or will only be passed on with prior consent.
2. Offers, fees, conclusion of contract
The offers are non-binding. Subject to change without notice. All fees are in Euro (EUR). For clients domiciled in Switzerland or Liechtenstein, the invoice will be shown in Swiss francs and converted at the current exchange rate. CREATOR GODS assumes no liability for price fluctuations. For coaching and consulting services, the fees stated at the time the coaching or consulting agreement is concluded shall apply. Additional costs, such as telephone charges, travel and accommodation costs, etc., will be charged separately to the client within reasonable limits.
The fee is to be paid in advance. Once payment has been received, the consultation or coaching can begin online, e.g. via Zoom or in person on site. Advance payment is deemed to have been agreed for online consultations.
The purchase contract regarding the services offered by Sabine Thursch is concluded as soon as Sabine Thursch has confirmed the order via the website, by telephone or by e-mail. These GTC shall be deemed to have been accepted with the client’s order.
An entitlement to receive the purchased service only arises upon full payment of the purchase price (receipt of the corresponding amount in our bank account). CREATOR GODS behält sich vor, Leistungen bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung zurückzuhalten.
Full payment for (online) coaching sessions, lectures, events, consultations, seminars, retreats and other offers must be made in accordance with the payment terms on the invoice. The payment deadline is binding. Failure to pay the amount by the payment deadline is considered a deregistration with cost consequences.
2.1 Conditions and cancellation terms
Buchungen von Vorträgen oder Events, die von CREATOR GODS mit oder ohne Partner angeboten werden, sind mit Abschluss der Bestellung verbindlich. There is no right of withdrawal.
One admission entitles one person to participate in the booked event. There is no entitlement to participation in the event before payment has been received in our account.
Bookings that have already been paid for will not be refunded.
Full payment for impulse coaching sessions can be made electronically via a third-party provider (e.g. PayPal). Participation is definitive and binding from the moment of registration. Purchased participations cannot be returned and may not be multiplied.
Bookings of events offered by CREATOR GODS are binding from receipt of payment. There is no right of withdrawal.
Full payment for (online and live) coaching, lectures, events, consultations, seminars, retreats and other offers must be made in accordance with the payment deadline on the invoice. The payment deadline is binding. Failure to pay the amount by the payment deadline is considered a deregistration with cost consequences.
If a cancellation is made after the invoice has been paid, a flat-rate cancellation fee of 10% of the booking amount will be charged up to three weeks before the date of the event. This amount will be deducted from the refund amount before a refund is made.
If the cancellation is made within three weeks before the date of the event, the full booking amount will be charged and there will be no refund of bookings already paid for.
CREATOR GODS reserves the right to cancel a lecture or other event online or offline – even at short notice – in the event of illness or unforeseeable events. Participants will be informed by e-mail if an event is canceled. If the event is canceled, any bookings already paid for will be refunded in full. Further claims, in particular for interest or compensation, are excluded.
3. Cancellation of an appointment
Agreed appointments are always binding. The time and place of the coaching sessions are mutually agreed by the coaching partners. The client undertakes to be punctual for all sessions.
Cancellation or postponement of the coaching session free of charge is possible up to 2 working days before the appointment at the latest. Thereafter, the fee is due in full or the appointment is deemed to have been attended.
4. force majeure and other impediments to delivery of service
Sabine Thursch is entitled to postpone the agreed coaching appointments, including impediments to performance due to illness, accident or similar.
In this case, the coach will inform the client as soon as possible and offer an alternative date. If the client cannot be reached at the e-mail address provided and in any other case, there is no entitlement to reimbursement of travel or other costs.
5. Copyright
The website and all content accessible via the website are protected by copyright and, unless otherwise specified, belong exclusively and comprehensively to Sabine Thursch.
Unless otherwise agreed, all documents handed over to the client are included in the agreed remuneration. The documents are intended for the personal use of the client.
Sabine Thursch alone holds the copyright to the coaching concepts and documents. The client is not permitted to reproduce the documents in whole or in part or to make them accessible to third parties without the written consent of Sabine Thursch. Publication, even in part, is prohibited.
5.1. Photo/Video/Audio
We take photos, videos or audio recordings at our events, including those in which participants can be recognized. We publish the relevant photos/videos/audio recordings on our website and on social media for advertising purposes.
By participating in an event, you give CREATOR GODS your consent to publish any photos in which you are recognizable. In this context, you assign all necessary rights to us. You can withdraw your consent at any time and request that we remove photos in which you are recognizable after any publications and no longer use them. Any claims for compensation in this context are excluded.
Filming takes place at some of our events. Filming at an event will be communicated in advance. Mit der Teilnahme an einer Veranstaltung erteilst Du CREATOR GODS Dein Einverständnis, allfällige Videos zu publizieren, auf denen Du erkennbar bist. Du trittst uns in diesem Zusammenhang alle notwendigen Rechte ab. If you do not wish to appear in the video, you are requested to inform us in advance at the latest at the event.
Independent video or audio recording of our events is not permitted. The photos/videos/audio recordings published by us are protected by copyright. Their distribution, reproduction or editing is not permitted without our prior written consent.
6. Insurance coverage
Each client bears full responsibility for themselves and their actions within and outside the coaching sessions and is liable for any damage caused. Coaching is not psychotherapy or medical advice and cannot replace these. Participation requires normal mental and physical capacity.
7. Liability and exclusion of liability
Our website and all information on our website is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Our website is intended to provide users with information that they can use in their own lives for self-help in the areas of wellness, spirituality, gene keys and human design.
We do not guarantee that users and clients will achieve results with our services. CREATOR GODS’ mission is to help clients achieve their goals, but clients’ success depends on their starting point, motivation, commitment, and other factors.
By using this website, users and clients acknowledge and agree that any decision to use information on our website or within our services is voluntary and at their own risk.
Users and clients acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for their results.
The information and advice in coaching sessions and in all documentation is carefully considered and checked by the coach. Sabine Thursch’s work is purely a service activity.
Each client bears full responsibility for themselves and their actions within and outside the coaching sessions and is liable for any damage caused. Coaching is not psychotherapy or medical advice and cannot replace these. Participation requires normal mental and physical capacity.
Personal decisions made on the basis of verbal or written discussions between the client and Sabine Thursch are the sole responsibility of the client. No claims whatsoever can be asserted. Any liability in this regard is excluded.
In particular, Sabine Thursch assumes no liability for success or there is no guarantee of success in connection with consultations. Success is therefore not guaranteed. Any liability is excluded.
The client’s personal details form the basis of Sabine Thursch’s advice. The responsibility for the correct transmission of this data lies with the client.
The consultation via Zoom can be recorded by CREATOR GODS and made available to the client free of charge. The video recording is without guarantee. We reject any liability and warranty for faulty recordings.
Subject to the claims of the client expressly stated in these GTC, all claims (in particular claims for damages, claims due to delays in delivery, retention of the purchase price, compensation for loss of profit, reduction, cancellation of the contract or withdrawal from the contract), regardless of the legal basis and as far as legally permissible, against Sabine Thursch and her auxiliary persons and vicarious agents are excluded. For consequential damages from the use of the services of Sabine Thursch any liability is rejected.
No liability can be accepted for the security and protection of data transmitted via the Internet or for the completeness and accuracy of the content of this website. In particular, Sabine Thursch accepts no liability for direct or indirect damage or consequential damage incurred by users of the website.
Links, hyperlinks or web addresses that lead from this website to one or more other websites are provided solely for the information of clients. The corresponding websites are independent of “CREATOR GODS” or “”. Sabine Thursch makes no representations in connection with other websites and disclaims all liability in connection with other websites.
No medical advice and no advice on mental health
Clients and users of the website acknowledge and agree that Sabine Thursch supports them only in her capacity as a coach and not as a physical or mental health professional.
Clients and users of the website acknowledge and agree that they should never disregard mental health advice, stop taking medication or treatment or delay seeking professional mental health advice because of information they have read on our website or received from us.
Clients and users of the website acknowledge and agree that they should not use the information contained on our website or in our services as a tool for self-diagnosis.
If you have or suspect that you have a mental health problem, consult a licensed physician or health care professional immediately.
8. Confidentiality
Sabine Thursch undertakes to maintain confidentiality towards third parties about all operational, business and private matters of the client that become known in the course of the activity, even after the termination of the contract.
In addition, Sabine Thursch undertakes to carefully store the documents provided for the purpose of the consulting activity and to protect them against access by third parties.
9. Obligation of the client to cooperate
Coaching takes place on the basis of the discussions held between the parties. It is based on cooperation and mutual trust. In this context, Sabine Thursch points out that coaching is a free, active and self-responsible process and that certain successes cannot be guaranteed. Sabine Thursch assists the client as a process facilitator and as support for decisions and changes – the actual change work is done by the client. The client should therefore be willing and open to dealing with themselves and their situation.
10. Distinction from psychotherapy
Coaching is not psychotherapy or medical counseling and does not replace them. Participation in coaching requires normal mental and physical resilience. Coaching is based on a coach-client relationship that is characterized by partnership and clearly distinguishes the role of the coach from that of therapists and doctors.
Coaching is solution-oriented and focused on the present, future and activity. Psychotherapy is the targeted treatment of a mental illness. Coaching serves the “healthy” person who is capable of action and self-reflection.
The result of coaching is not the alleviation of psychological complaints, but the individual development of the client, which is accompanied by an increase in their general quality of life.
11. Right of withdrawal
Orders are binding and can only be canceled or changed with the written consent of CREATOR GODS. The costs and processing fees incurred as a result of the cancellation or change will be charged to the customer.
There is no right of withdrawal with regard to digital products (PDF, MP3, video) and other products (online and offline events, workshops, seminars, travel).
12. Final provisions
Should individual provisions of the contract with the client, including these General Terms and Conditions, be or become invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In this case, the wholly or partially invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that comes closest to the economic purpose of the provision to be replaced. The same shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event that these GTC contain a regulatory loophole.
Messages sent to the e-mail address provided during registration are deemed to have been delivered with legal validity.
Sabine Thursch reserves the right to amend these GTC at any time. Changes will be made available on this website and will come into force when they go online.
13. Place of performance, place of jurisdiction and applicable law
The place of performance and jurisdiction is the registered office of “CREATOR GODS” in 8722 Kaltbrunn. Swiss law applies exclusively.
Status: 24.01.2024
© CREATOR GODS – SchöpferGötter – Sabine Thursch